Welcome to Lego Man Journeys

Lego Men have been released into the wild with nothing but a sense of adventure and a link to this website. Follow their progress here!
If you have found a Lego Man, and want to make a post, it's easy! Just read How to Make a Post.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Jan - Sitrusoewer, Eastern Cape, South Africa

I met Jan while visiting the University of Birmingham. Since then, we have travelled a long way together.
I have left him at Sitrusoewer, a camp site on the banks of the Sundays river near the south-east coast of South Africa.
Jan's next adventure could be anywhere in the world, so let's hope he meets a friendly camper. 

Friday, 10 February 2012

Kurt- University of Birmingham

GREG and Kurt on a sustainable adventure,

Kurt was looking rather down on a bar table at the University of Birmingham when I spotted him.

I was doing the rounds for Go Green Week so took Kurt along for a ride to spread the love of the environment to my fellow students.

We finished our time together at a UV party and now Kurt is getting ready for an adventure to the Welsh mountains......